Finishing Education? Now What?

Debbie Amankwa
in Careers guidance

In the coming weeks and months students across the Island and UK will be completing their final exams in schools, colleges and Universities. After months of revision, stress and hard work, the time has come to start thinking about what next? Does that mean more months of research, stress and hard work in trying to find the right job? – Not necessarily.

True, looking for the right job can feel like a bit of a minefield but the good news is that it doesn't have to. That’s right help is at hand. So, who can help? – I can!

Below are some of the things that might be going through your mind when it comes to getting a job and starting your professional career:

1. I don't know what I want to do

I can help with that...

  • I will arrange a meeting with you and get to know you as a person.
  • What do you like, what do you absolutely not like?
  • The aim is to build a strong relationship with you before jumping right into “job finding” mode.
  • If you are looking for a role in an office-based environment, within Financial Services then I can help explain the different sectors and the many different potential career opportunities you may have.

2. Is my CV good enough?

I can help with that...

I will give advice on the content and format of your CV and work with you to make sure it is the best representation of you on paper.

3. I don't know what employers are out there and what different roles there are?

I can help with that...

  • I know the market and understand what school leaver/graduate roles are out there
  • I deal with hundreds of different clients (employers) and regularly talk to them about what they are looking for with regards to specific roles and the type of candidate they need.
  • I can demystify some of the jargon used in job descriptions and break down what the role involves (what is KYC anyway, what on earth is a fiduciary business?)

4. I'm not confident in applying for jobs.

I can help with that...

I will make the application on your behalf and keep you informed of the next steps and progress made.

5. I'm so not ready to go to interviews.

I can help with that...

  • I can help you get interview ready by working with you on what to expect and how you should prepare
  • Once we secure you an interview, I will let you know who you are meeting, where, when and the particular structure of the interview.

6. I'm not sure I want to use a Recruitment Agency, what is the benefit to me?

I can help with that...

  • I am sure all of the above has already made the benefits clear but you should also know that the entire service does not cost you a penny!
  • Ultimately, we have the same goal. I want to find you a job you like and you want a job you can excel in!

And as I have been saying, I can help with that....

Author: Debbie Amankwa

This top notch mid-level recruitment expert is also slightly obsessed with rugby and Formula 1. Did we mention beer? Debbie loves a cold beer.

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